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Custom Declaration File Setup

In some scenarios, you may have a react-native project and a web project as separate repositories.

Exporting types is a key part of webview-bridge, so here's a guide to sharing types across different projects. This guide is for shard types from methods declared in the React Native Project to the Web Project.

In cases where it is not a monorepo, you need to declare types twice in each repository. However, if there are not many methods, this approach can be fast and efficient.

Steps for Exporting Types

1. Redefining Bridge Functions:

Define your bridge functions in a separate file for clarity and organization. For example, create a src/bridge.ts file:

// This file is src/bridge.ts
import { bridge, type Bridge } from "@webview-bridge/react-native";
import InAppBrowser from "react-native-inappbrowser-reborn";

// Here Custom Type
export interface BridgeState extends Bridge {
  token: string;
  setToken: (token: string) => Promise<void>;
  getMessage: () => Promise<"I'm from native">;
  openInAppBrowser: (url: string) => Promise<void>;

export const appBridge = bridge<Bridge>(({ get, set }) => ({
  token: '',
  async setToken(token) {
  async getMessage() {
    return "I'm from native";
  async openInAppBrowser(url) {
    if (await InAppBrowser.isAvailable()) {

2. Importing in the Web Project:

In your web project, import the types as shown below:

import { type Bridge, type BridgeStore, linkBridge } from '@webview-bridge/web';

// Here Custom Type
export interface BridgeState extends Bridge {
  token: string;
  setToken: (token: string) => Promise<void>;
  getMessage: () => Promise<"I'm from native">;
  openInAppBrowser: (url: string) => Promise<void>;

export type AppBridge = BridgeStore<BridgeState>;

const bridge = linkBridge<AppBridge>();

By following these steps, you ensure that type consistency and interoperability are maintained across your React Native and web projects, even when they are housed in multi repositories.