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Using PostMessage

This guide will teach you how to send events from React Native to web and subscribe to those events within the web.


You need additional libraries to define schemas. Supported schema libraries:

Please choose and use the library you prefer.

Follow the guidelines of each library for schema definition.

$ npm add @webview-bridge/web zod
# or 
$ npm add @webview-bridge/web yup
# or 
$ npm add @webview-bridge/web superstruct
$ pnpm add @webview-bridge/web zod
# or 
$ pnpm add @webview-bridge/web yup
# or 
$ pnpm add @webview-bridge/web superstruct
$ yarn add @webview-bridge/web zod
# or 
$ yarn add @webview-bridge/web yup
# or 
$ yarn add @webview-bridge/web superstruct

React Native Part

In React Native, you need to define events in advance and export the types.


Even if you don't define the event schema, you can use postMessage loosely. If the types are not important, you can skip them and just use postMessage.

import { createWebView, postMessageSchema } from "@webview-bridge/react-native";
import { z } from "zod";

const appPostMessageSchema = postMessageSchema({
  eventName1: z.object({
    message: z.string(),
  eventName2: z.string(),

// Export the event schema to be used in the web application
export type AppPostMessageSchema = typeof appPostMessageSchema;

// When you bridge a webview, a postMessage is extracted.
export const { postMessage } = createWebView({
  postMessageSchema: appPostMessageSchema, // Pass in the your schema. This is optional, so if the type doesn't matter to you, you don't need to include it.
  // ..

// usage
postMessage("eventName1", {
  message: "test",
postMessage("eventName2", "test");
import { createWebView, postMessageSchema } from "@webview-bridge/react-native";
import { string, object } from "yup";

const appPostMessageSchema = postMessageSchema({
  eventName1: object({
    message: string().required(),
  eventName2: string().required(),

// Export the event schema to be used in the web application
export type AppPostMessageSchema = typeof appPostMessageSchema;

// When you bridge a webview, a postMessage is extracted.
export const { postMessage } = createWebView({
  // ..
  postMessageSchema: appPostMessageSchema, // Pass in the your schema. This is optional, so if the type doesn't matter to you, you don't need to include it.

// usage
postMessage("eventName1", {
  message: "test",
postMessage("eventName2", "test");
import { createWebView, postMessageSchema } from "@webview-bridge/react-native";
import { string, object } from "superstruct";

const appPostMessageSchema = postMessageSchema({
  eventName1: object({
    message: string(),
  eventName2: string(),

// Export the event schema to be used in the web application
export type AppPostMessageSchema = typeof appPostMessageSchema;

// When you bridge a webview, a postMessage is extracted.
export const { postMessage } = createWebView({
  // ..
  postMessageSchema: appPostMessageSchema, // Pass in the your schema. This is optional, so if the type doesn't matter to you, you don't need to include it.

// usage
postMessage("eventName1", {
  message: "test",
postMessage("eventName2", "test");

Web Part

In the web part, as in the guide above, import the AppPostMessageSchema declared in React Native and pass it to the second generic of linkBridge.


If you cannot import the type, you can leave the second generic empty, and it will still work loosely with the correct type.

import { linkBridge } from "@webview-bridge/web";
import type { AppBridge, AppPostMessageSchema } from ""; // Import the type 'appBridge' and 'appPostMessageSchema' declared in native

const bridge = linkBridge<AppBridge, AppPostMessageSchema>({
  // ..

const unsubscribe = bridge.addEventListener("eventName1", (data) => {
unsubscribe(); // Unsubscribe from the event

const unsubscribe2 = bridge.addEventListener("eventName2", (message) => {
unsubscribe2(); // Unsubscribe from the event