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What is WebViewBridge

webview-bridge is a powerful interface that acts as a bridge between React Native and web applications using react-native-webview. It provides seamless interaction and ensures type safety.

Inspired by the functionality of tRPC, webview-bridge simplifies the communication process between react-native-webview and web applications.

What Does WebViewBridge Solve?

When developing apps with React Native WebView, there are occasions where web functionalities need to access React Native's features. Common examples include screen navigation, in-app browser and etc.

To implement these functionalities, each WebView project typically needs to establish its own communication interface. Conversely, there are times in a React Native app when features from the web need to be invoked.

Since WebView and the web operate as distinct entities, communication is usually implemented in a unidirectional manner.

However, webview-bridge transcends this limitation by utilizing event and promise-based mechanisms, enabling bidirectional communication. This approach allows for the retrieval of return values from functions as one would in a standard programming context.