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Monorepo Setup

In certain scenarios, you may manage a react-native project and a web project within the same monorepo.

A crucial aspect of webview-bridge is its ability to export types, facilitating seamless type sharing across different projects in the monorepo. This guide is tailored to demonstrate how you can efficiently move types from methods declared in the React Native Project to the Web Project, all within the unified structure of a monorepo.

There are many ways to export types, but here's one of them.

Steps for Exporting Types


The way types are shared is the same as tRPC. This is one of them, so you can export types the way you're used to.

1. Override the 'types' Field in React Native Project's package.json:

Assuming the contents of src/bridge.ts are as follows:

// This file is src/bridge.ts
import { bridge } from "@webview-bridge/react-native";
import InAppBrowser from "react-native-inappbrowser-reborn";

export const appBridge = bridge({
  async getMessage() {
    return "I'm from native" as const;
  async openInAppBrowser(url: string) {
    if (await InAppBrowser.isAvailable()) {

export type AppBridge = typeof appBridge;

In your React Native project, here named your-react-native-project, redefine the types field in package.json to point to the location of your bridge file.

  "name": "your-react-native-project",
  "types": "src/bridge.ts", // This file is where the bridge file is defined.

2. Add Internal Package in the Web Project:

In your web project, add the React Native project as an internal package:

$ npm add your-react-native-project --save-dev
$ pnpm add your-react-native-project -D
$ yarn add your-react-native-project --dev

That's all there is to it! To export types from the Web Project to the React Native Project, simply reverse the process.


You can explore a practical example and further understand the implementation by visiting the example GitHub repository. This repository provides a hands-on demonstration of the concepts and steps outlined in this guide.